Author. Musician. Producer.


Untitled 2021 EP

TBR this fall.

Knight Light

This is the most recent album I released. I’ve been told that the songs “Mystery Meat” and “Swamp Swimmer, Peace Easter” are highlights.

The Kamalita LP

This album was recorded about ten days before I moved away from Chicago, and though it wasn't the plan at the time, I can look at it as a farewell to what was my home for 5 years. 

Ka Malita at Young Camelot

In Chicago, I played in a post rock / math rock band called Ka Malita.  I lived really close to a DIY spot called Young Camelot that was run out of an old church, so I was literally able to walk to this show.  We opened for OSHWA, Vaya, and a few others, and it was a blast!  This song is called El Brillante Manana Mexicana Sun Shiney from The Ka Malita LP. Audio recorded by Chris Lee at Young Camelot. Video shot and edited by Ben Fout.

Live at Young Camelot 5-2-15

This was a really fun show to play.  I was living in Chicago at the time, and I lived literally 5 houses down from Young Camelot, so I walked there in about a minute.